Africa Arise – Evening Session#2: Breaking the Horns of Limitations

Bishop Joshua Deng Leek

Zech 1:5-20

In the above passage we find the Lord is speaking comforting words to Israel. I believe it also reflects the Lord’s heart towards Africa. If we fail to properly address mistakes in our past, they will live on in our generation.


The second half of this passage talks about the horns that have scattered Judah and Israel. If we don’t see what the devil is doing, we are not equipped to demolish it. As he looked up he saw four horns. These horns were keeping all of Israel from lifting up their heads. This is what has happened in our continent. There is a spiritual limitation that is the cause for all of our failure and poverty.


The horns that are raised up in this continent are greed, tribalism, poverty and shame. We need ask ourselves why we struggle with all these failures and poverty in the midst of such fertile ground and good weather; why we are so divided. These horns of limitation have scattered us. 

Politicians have tried, but have not been able to address these horns and unite the people. The church is different because we have spiritual authority, and the protection and grace of heaven.


We are positioned for such a time as this in history. We are here as the craftsmen of the Lord to dismantle and demolish these horns. We have the power of heaven on our side and we are equipped by His spirit. We pour the water of cleansing according to Ezekiel 36:24-25.

 Find footage of day 2 of Africa Arise below