Arise and Act for Kingdom Mission


by Rev. Callisto Odede

Acts 13:20-23

After 40 years God removed Saul as king and turned to David. The same God who elected Saul was also the same God who rejected him.

Saul was rejected because of humanism. He was rejected because of consumerism. He was rejected because of pluralism. He was removed because of relativism. These things ended his reign.

What is true of individuals can be also be said of nations. There is a shift in the tectonic plates of Christendom. Statistics are all pointing to a strong resurgence of Christian growth in Africa, whereas western countries are in decline. It seems that those who brought the Word to us are now in need of the Word from us.

God is always looking for a people. He said of David, “I have found a man after my own heart.”

David was great, but was also the least likely to succeed. The issue had to do with his mother. Specifically the issue of who exactly his mother was. Though Scripture does not say directly, we can deduce that this would have been the source of the controversy. When he says in Ps.51:1, “In sin I was conceived...” understand that he was not talking about the Adamic sin which had plagued us all. It was complicated. Which father would forget his son when the prophet come to ask for his sons? But where his father forgot him, mercy reached out to him! 

Much like David, Africa today is least qualified for many reasons. But it is God who qualifies. He raises Joseph in the wilderness for the palace. He raises Moses in the palace for the wilderness.

Africa, mercy reaches out to you now. Now is your time. And He will anoint you and use you mightily in this last day. It’s our turn, and it’s our time.