Do we Have the Fire? 

2019-02-08 12.50.14.jpg

by Apostle Robert Kasaro

1Kings 18:2-5
To Re-Ignite means to set on fire. To cause something to explode. It means
making changes for the intention to put things back on track. There has never been a time that we need the fire of God like now.

How can we experience Reformation without the fire of God? There are enemies to this fire that we must be mindful of. 
-enemy #1: compromisers. Obadiah had one foot on one side and another foot on the other. Not good. 
-enemy #2: confused people. Elijah asked, "How long will you waver between two opinions?" It means that God's people are not doing their job.
-enemy #3: competition. The enemy divides us, but the altar unites us.

By separating ourselves from these enemies we put ourselves in position to receive the fire of God.