Africa Arise 2018

Africa Arise 2018 will be hosted at the Beza Tabernacle in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from January 24 - 28 under the theme Re-igniting the African Reformation.

As the Christian world celebrates the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we take some time to look at its implications for us in Africa, and lessons we can learn from it.

The call for reformation is the result of a frustration about where the past has led us. While appreciating the decisions made 500 years ago by a few brave men, we feel we are not just to celebrate their achievements, but to also address some of our own concerns about where the past has led us. In many ways, we in Africa have never had the opportunity to stop, assess our position, and chart the preferred way forward.

This year we are focusing on the need for reformation in the areas of ministry, marketplace and family, as these are key to Africa’s future. Through these, we intend to serve the church, our communities and nations, and re-ignite the African Reformation. Why not us? Why not now?