Africa Arise Glory

By: Alois Rutivi 

Africa’s elevation is divinely ordained and orchestrated.  No one can stop or reverse it.  What God does in His season is perfect and nothing can either be added or removed to and from it. “…. Behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it:….” Revelation 3:8. The final say to your destiny is with the Almighty God.  Any contrary position is but an exercise in futility.  This truth of God’s position or perspective concerning you and your situation is a final and absolute standard unsurpassed by none.  What people think or feel about you as an African does not matter now.  It is God’s view on you that matters.  This is truth!  Though Africa’s place is prophetic and futuristic, it is a destiny so much within reach right now.

It is vitally important to understand that God who is “no respector of persons” has availed grace and glory to whosoever will embrace it, to compete and excel at any level on all platforms globally.  Job said “what ye know the same do I know also: I am not inferior unto you.” Job 13:2.  Self hate or self contempt are the most malignant moral or mental disorders that have inhibited our full potential. There’s is a huge need to reverse this speedily.  As individuals we must eject from our thinking, thoughts of inferiority and low self-esteem, reflected for the most part in our disposition.  We must fight again to be African – so we can reclaim the pride of African–ness.  We must stand as equals in juxtaposition with other peoples and nations as Africans, not as a confused mass of people unsure of their destiny.                                                                                                                 

Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of a distinguished American President.  She was a great inspiration to many Black people oppressed and prejudiced in the United States of America during her time.  She profoundly declared in a statement, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”  The powerful fact she was communicating is, how you choose to think with your mind, determines what becomes of your dreams, desires, actions and aspirations.  You do not have to feel inferior to anybody just because they think you should be.  Choose the attitude of Job to his miserable comforters, “what you know, I know, I am not inferior to you.” All human beings were created equal.  None was born more equal than others.  The common denominator amongst us is, “the image of God.”  That is what we all bring with us into this world when we are born. We look scornfully upon all that is African.  It would seem that our sub-conscious minds have callously developed over a period of time a negative belief-system to devalue our Blackness and anything linked with Africa.  Typically, we prefer goods, services and products made anywhere else but Africa.  Our psychology is malignantly ruined, so help us God!   If we are to experience an irreversible rise of Africa and her people, then an honest and thorough introspection process of ourselves along with our moral values and ethics must rapidly take place.  This is the time for Africa’s reality check!  A radical change must surgically take place as we must divinely allow a transformation at the very core of our hearts and conscience in all areas of function and at all levels of leadership cascading down to the grass root level.  We need a total change of our belief system that opens us into a new avenue of self-belief                                                                    

Everything that God has and will ever do is pegged on a predetermined time scale.  Additionally it is important to know that nothing happens divinely unless it’s synchronized on a divine schedule of events.  It must be in its appointed season if of God!  Again nothing happens but through the utilization of the appointed means, hence this forum among others is arranged and appointed by God to elevate Africa to its destiny.                

So, it then calls for wisdom and the ability to discern the “kairos’ moment individually or collectively as a people, to see what God has planned for His people.  It is also important to seize the opportunity without restraints to arise and shine when the light and the glory has come!  “Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1. What I see here is a sad scene of indolent and ignorant people whose time has come but remain bound in the abyss of a past of lethargy.  The two verbs used here “arise and shine” in our text above clearly depict action.        

God wants Africa to step up to her game.  He wants us to wake up from the deep slumber of inertness or indisposition to motion.  We need to swing into action right now as we ride the tide of heaven’s glory.  With the advent of divine glory, let us see more of influence, exertion and acceleration in activity as the sons of God in areas where providence has placed us.  Lets rise up with solutions and answers to the perennial challenges that bedevil us as a continent. While help from friends and partners is welcomed, let’s be clear, lasting solutions are birthed from within ourselves.                                                                            

Of note, is a cognizance that God is the one influencing and inspiring us by His glory to conceive and implement ideas divinely bequeathed to us and to rise up and shine and manifest His visible and ascribed glory.  It is God alone who possesses intrinsic glory, while man has ascribed or assigned glory.  And God’s glory shall be your defense when you determine to do justice, truth and righteousness.  Isaiah 4:5b.  When in unity we arise, to purposefully advance God’s agenda and His kingdom through His glory, then shall we witness the erasing of the “Ichabod” (the glory has departed) inscription from Africa, your personal life, business and ministry. 

God is divinely removing “Ichabod” inscription with the shame that goes with it upon the face of Africa.  Now I hear a new sound and song rising up from every city and village of Africa.  I see the emergence of a little cloud the size of a man’s hand upon the shining skies of Africa.  I hear a new sound from heaven as a mighty rushing wind declaring and revealing the ‘Sons of God’ even from among the sons and daughters of Africa, saying your time has come, the glory has come.  Our time to shine and glow in His glory has come.  This is the season of God’s glory for you!

We then shall echo with a strong voice the words of Paul the Apostle saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13.  Africa arise for your time to shine has come, for in His glory you shall prevail.   MARANATHA!