We live in an exciting and terrifying time in the history of the world. We have the capacity for great good, we know more than we have ever known, knowledge is increasing at a very rapid rate, we have people flying around the world, we send people to the moon and satellites to other solar systems, our telescopes can see the universe.
Treating Africa’s Headaches
My plea in this article is that, in our well-meaning effort to do something about the plight of our continent, we must first correctly diagnose the problem. Failure to do so will result in offering “monkey solutions.”And “monkey solutions” are more deadly than the problems they seek to solve. Let me explain.
Taming Ethnicity
The world has been gripped by the recent flare up of hostilities in the newest nation of the world, South Sudan, only a few years after its celebrated inception. At the center of the violence that has left more than one thousand people dead and several others displaced, is the sharp differences between the President and his former deputy.